March 15, 2024

Ask your contractor these questions

To protect yourself and your family, be sure that before you hire any painting contractor, you first ask these 21 questions. You’ll be glad you did.

Ask your contractor these questions
There is an excellent reason why some painters can offer low prices. To protect yourself and your family, make sure that before you hire any painting contractor, you ask them the following twenty-one questions. You’ll be glad you did.

Reputation and stability

• Does your painting company supply at least a dozen or more local references I can call?

• Do you maintain at least $1 million of Liability Insurance, and can your agent send the certificate directly so that our home is covered in an accident which causes damage to our property?

• Do you have Workers’ Compensation Insurance, so you won’t lose everything you own if one of your painters gets injured? This happens more than you might realize in the building trades.

• Are the painters you send to paint our house employees of your company? If not, and you use sub-contractors, these workers must each have a license and valid Workers' Compensation Insurance.

• Does your painting company maintain accounts with local suppliers and have letters of good standing?

• Are you an active member of any local organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, or Business Network International?

Experience and service

• Does your painting company offer a written warranty? If so, how long is your warranty?

• Do you offer one hour of free touch-ups for the life of the warranty?

• Are you reachable eight hours a day via the owner’s direct extension?

• Does your painting company return calls within 24 hours?

• Do you provide a written description of your painting process for interior and exterior work?

• Have you completed at least 1,000 painting projects?

• Does your painting company provide a pre-project checklist with helpful hints?

• Will you provide an approximate start date and completion date for our project?

• Do you properly reinstall all doors, windows, and electrical hardware?

• Does your crew have daily clean-up processes and procedures?

• Does your painting company accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express for ease of payment?

Follow up and follow through

• Does your painting company provide a written quote with a price guarantee for the work specified?

• Do you provide a walk-through with the crew leader upon job completion?

• Do you provide a comprehensive customer satisfaction survey upon completion of the job?

• Do you provide a Warranty on all materials and labor?

Final thoughts...

Ancient Modern Finishes Proudly answers “yes” to all of these questions and will provide both Liability Insurance and Workman Compensation Insurance certificates. You’ll sleep soundly at night—knowing that if your home is damaged or somebody is injured, you are protected. If you’re considering giving one or more of your rooms a fresh coat of paint, consult the experts at Ancient Modern Finishes to discuss your requirements. We can help you to achieve stunning results.